Sunday, March 13, 2016

How we spent Girl Scout Week 2016

Girl Scout Week is celebrated each March, starting with Girl Scout Sunday and ending with Girl Scout Sabbath on a Saturday, and it always includes Girl Scouts' Birthday, March 12.

My Little Brownie spent the week earning the Girl Scout Week Patch.

March 6, 2016 - Day 1: Girl Scout Sunday

The requirements to choose from for day one:

____ Think of three different ways you can serve God or your country. Do one of them.

____ Attend a religious service AND wear your Girl Scout vest/ sash.

____ Say or sing grace at a meal.

  X    Do a good deed for someone.

____ Spend 20 minutes in quiet reflection.

My Little Brownie brought eggs around to a couple of the neighbors. With 9 laying hens, I had several dozen in the refrigerator. Helped them, helped me! She actually went out and collected the eggs that morning without me having to ask 3 times :)

We didn't go to church, so we wont get the Girl Scout Sunday patch, just the patch for Girl Scout Week.

March 7, 2016 - Day 2: Community Day

  X    Put some bird food outside for our feathered friends.

____ Help clean up an area in your community or at school.

____ Recycle as much as you can today.

____ Pick three toys donate to your organization of choice.

  X    Fly a flag in front of your home today

We filled up the bird seed and hummingbird feeders. I showed her how to make homemade hummingbird syrup: One cup boiled (NOT microwaved) and cooled water to 1/4 cup sugar. The hummingbirds don't show up in Arkansas until the first week of April generally, but since Spring is early this year we took a chance.

March 8, 2016 - Day 3: Spread The Cheer Day

____ Say “Hello” and smile to as many people as you can today.

____ Do something to help someone without being asked.

____ Visit with an elderly friend or family member.

____ Write a note to a family member or friend about how much you appreciate them and why.

  X     Learn to say "hello, good-bye, please and thank you" in another language.

Of course, my Little Brownie chose Mandarin, as Ni-Hao Kai Lan use to be one of her favorite shows. Thank you Google Translate! Not only did it give the Chinese (Mandarin) characters, but it showed how to spell it in English and had a sound button to hear the word spoken!

March 9, 2016 - Day 4: Health & Safety Day

  X    Do at least 20 minutes of exercise.

____ Discuss with an adult ways to handle stress

____ Check to see if your smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are working properly

____ Eat only healthy snacks today. Stay away from foods with high amounts of sugar and salt

  X    Learn some stretching exercises and do at least three of them.

I took advantage of this one to get the Dancer Badge knocked out as well.
I'm glad that warming up is the first step! These old bones wouldn't have been able to get through this badge without it!

For step 2: Try a new dance, we spent some time on YouTube learning some "new" moves for the 50's dance coming up on Saturday with our service unit. We tried out the Hand Jive, the Stroll, the Swing, the Mashed Potato, the Jitterbug (epic fail), and the Twist!

50's dance
Step 3 was interesting... We practiced curtsies, proper carriage in walking, and good standing posture. This made me remember when I was a kid and my mom showed me how to walk with a book on my head. I guess that was something they did when SHE was a kid. We had a blast with step 2 & 3 because we were also wearing our poodle skirts!

Step 4 was fun too. My Little Brownie made up a new dance using current and 50's moves together when I played disco music! (I couldn't help myself!) I wish I had that on video for posterity...

For step 5 - completed on March 12th- that was a gimme :) We went to the 50's dance and had fun! She was able to do the Hand Jive for the other scouts that were there!

I showed her how I change the batteries and check our smoke detectors and fire extinguisher on Sunday (today) when we set the clocks ahead, so I wasn't going to get technical on that one... That is also the day I change batteries on all my clocks. I didn't do it last night because she fell asleep on the way home from the dance and I wanted to let her help me do it.

March 10, 2016 - Day 5: Outdoor Day

____ Do a rubbing on a leaf, tree bark or any other thing in nature.

____ Take a scavenger hike. Find something in nature that starts with each letter of the alphabet.

  X    Plant a vegetable, flower or herb in a pot to enjoy.

____ Identify three different plants in your neighborhood.

____ Play games outside for at least 30 minutes.

We spent most of the morning getting my seeds started. I feel like I'm kind of late on that this year (for Arkansas), but if it's as wet this spring as it was last year, I guess it will work out OK. We planted cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, cabbage... you get it. We also planted some herbs from seed. I was worried that she planted the seeds too deep, but I guess I shouldn't have -as of this morning some of them have already started to sprout! I hope she helps me get them into the garden when it's time. This activity also went with the current unit that she is studying in Science about life cycles.

March 11, 2016 - Day 6: Family & Friend Day

  X    Draw a picture of your family.
Our family living in
Minecraft world

____ Do something extra special for your family or a friend and leave them a note.

____ Make a friendship gift for someone special.

____ Be extra nice to your siblings. Do a good deed for them.

  X     Plan a route and take your family on an evening walk.

I have no explanation for the picture, but she used to be fixated on Monster High, so I'm just going to go with it... We also planned and took the evening walk around the neighborhood so that I wouldn't have to deal with the inner struggle of whether this picture counts towards the requirement.

March 12, 2016 - Day 7: Girl Scout 104th Birthday

____ Recite the Girl Scout Law to your family.

  X    Read or reread the Juliette Low story. (Here is a version for Daisies)

____ Plan something special for Leader Appreciation Day on April 22.

  X    Learn about when Girl Scouting first started.

____ Learn a new Girl Scout song and teach it to a friend.

Here is a great resource with Juliette Gordon Low games and crafts.

This week has been way crazier than I expected, and I am just exhausted. All of our "why didn't you tell us you were selling Girl Scout cookies" friends came out of the woodwork! We didn't even sit down and make the swaps for her pen pals like we had planned, but we did put together some for the 50's dance. These are mini 45 records cut out of a black plastic folder with a 1" hole punch, then green glitter paper punched with a 1/2" punch stuck to the center on each side. We took a regular hole punch to the center (I had to do that part), and scooped it up onto a safety pin. Even though we are the only ones to bring swaps to service unit events, they always go over well. There were a couple of daisies that said they didn't even know what swaps were. (I shake my head...) But the thing is, when you bring these to events, your daughter ends up speaking to every single girl there because they all want one!

Mission accomplished.

Troop leaders ask me in awe about my daughter's activities for scouting, and I'm sure it sounds like this is easier. Really, the only difference is that I don't have to deal with moms - wait, OK, this is easier...

My Little Brownie met her initial cookie sales goal. Mostly because we have to order our cookies by the case like the troops do. As an "Independent Girl Member" my daughter can't do booths unless we participate with a troop. Our service unit doesn't want us to tie up an official booth location for one girl, so we were told that we can set up "a stand" anywhere else. Whatever. It's still kind of a booth - right? I'm not going to over-think it... So worst case scenario is that I get stuck with 11 boxes of each kind - I am sooooo doing a "stand" this year!

So that pretty much caps off my week! I hope everyone enjoyed their Girl Scout Week festivities and are looking forward to cookie booths - if you haven't already done that.


One Tired Juliette Mom

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