Monday, February 15, 2016

Ridiculous Crafts & My Apologies for the Bombardment

When I started to write this post I noticed all of the drafts that I had been scheduling and saving, but I didn't know I had to hit the publish button. So those of you who have subscribed to my blog are about to get bombarded with about 8 of my past posts - and I am so sorry. When I check my posts I preview them from the editor, but I don't go to the blog page and that is where I made my mistake I guess.

So on to the ridiculous craft.

I guess you know by now that I am entranced by all things Girl Scouty... So I was trapped on Pinterest one day and saw the wreath. OMG the WREATH! Yeah, baby, it's $60 on Etsy and she's not even offering it for sale anymore.

Well, I'm kinda crafty, so I thought to myself "I could do that!" So, lets compare, shall we:

Awesome Wreath

Cheap Knock off Wreath
shedding huge amounts of glitter
on my bedspread.

Okay, the first problem is that I couldn't find both of the mesh colors at Walmart. They had the kelly green, but not the lighter color, so I got the wired mesh which is only 5 or 6 inches wide. The wired mesh doesn't work very well (or look right), so you can bet your cookies that I'm going to Michael's next time I go to Little Rock. She also just prints off the cookies and laminates them, so since I am such a polymer clay demon now, I am going to try to mold the cookies out of that. Will update when I get it redone... Mine actually doesn't look too bad in person, but when I compare it to that delicious one on the left I just can't settle.

By the way, if you just can't live without one of these things, just Google mesh wreath and you'll find thousands of tutorials on making them. YouTube videos too. Apparently I am about two years behind on yet another trend. Oh well. It wasn't hard though, even my daughter helped - so we were both just coated in green glitter!

Happy Crafting and Cookie Sales, my friends.

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