Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Connect Key

Tonight we merged sessions 2 & 3 for convenience. We have 2 Service Unit events coming up and I didn't want to split up the badge work in case we don't have time next week.

We started out with the Promise & Law and talked for a few minutes about last week's session and what we learned about ourselves and our family to earn the Discover Key. I gave her a card that I printed up with the Discover Key on it, but I wont iron on any badges until she earns the whole leadership set for the journey - just for neatness sake.

Session 2 has a team building exercise where you either pass a hoola hoop or a ball back and forth down the line to learn how to problem solve, listen to your teammates and work together. We wrote up a team agreement to help each other and listen to each other. We did the ball activity because my oldest daughter and I are so much taller than my 7 year old that it would not have been fun for any of us. Passing the ball using our ankles was hysterical! I wish I'd had a way to get a video of it. We dropped the ball often and laughed for a good 10 minutes, but we finally figured out a technique to pass it successfully enough (though not really gracefully).

(The blue cast is a trick of the light)
Next, there is an activity where we try to find ways for Campbell in the Brownie Quest story to help out at home. Then we talked about ways that my little Brownie can help out at home...

I moved on from there to figure out ways to show family we care by finding a Healthy-Living Family Activity that we can do together. There are some pretty good looking healthy recipes that we are going to try out this week to satisfy this requirement.

From Session 3: We hung up her Family Star from last week and made a circle map showing our connections from "Me" to Family to the Girl Scout Sisterhood, to the Community then to the World. We talked about who is in each group and ways to show how we care. For the letter writing part, we decided to write to the County Road Dept. about the grass growing up waist high at the bus stop. The wasps like that grass and pester the kids while they wait for the school bus in the morning.

So, now we have learned how to connect as a team, with our family, and our community. And there is our Connect Key!

For our upcoming session 4, we have to have a Take Action Project. We have decided to participate in the food drive at the Service Unit's Fall Festival by bringing canned goods to donate. I will also be taking her to donate gently used clothes and toys to a women's shelter.

**Newsflash! The brownie pin
gets to turn right side up! 
My little brownie has completed 

3 good deeds without being asked!

Fun Patches earned this week:
Pumpkin Patch
Corn Maze
Hay Ride

Until Next time!

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